Members of the Gardening Club decided to move their meeting from the last week of July to the third week in order to visit the garden of two of their members. Kathy and Greg (pictured in the doorway) hosted the group to tea on 19 July 2023, and explained how they had converted their garden from wilderness to a place of joy.
When they moved in, a little over two years previously, they were confronted with masses of brambles amongst a small forest of established trees. There was also a concrete-lined pond in the location where the lawn is now. It took heavy machinery to clear what was there, and many hours of concentrated labour to achieve the bliss that is there now.

This year is proving to be a good year for lavatera, as can be seen in these photos. But the newest feature in the garden is this Chinese section with two lions (male and female) and a terracotta soldier from Xi’an.

This was a most enjoyable and memorable afternoon, and it is bound to have motivated the other members of the Gardening Group to try harder in their own gardens!