Category: Uncategorized

  • The Rivals to the Beatles Revisited

    The Rivals to the Beatles Revisited

    Our Monthly Meeting on Wednesday 25 September 2024 featured a trip down memory lane guided by the knowledgeable and entertaining Martin Orkin, a published author on the subject of the bands in the 1950s, 1960s, and later. Martin started with the origins of the music that turned the page on the ballads and melodies of…

  • A Knightly Comeback for English Lit.

    A Knightly Comeback for English Lit.

    Tuesday 10 September 2024 saw the return of our English Literature Group under their leader David Harris, who will be working on the medieval poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. The poem, written in the late 14th Century in Middle English, is not accessible for many so a ‘translation’ from Middle English to modern…

  • Creative Writers Produce New Stories

    Creative Writers Produce New Stories

    Our Creative Writing Group has been hard at work once again, telling some interesting stories on the choice of themes provided by their Group Leader. This time the choice was Planning for a Journey, an Escape, or any other story that takes the author’s fancy! Amongst the stories provided to the group were The History…

  • Analysing the Housing Crisis Problem

    Analysing the Housing Crisis Problem

    At our Monthly Meeting on 23 August 2023, our speaker was Barrister, Broadcaster and Author Hashi Mohamed, talking on the causes of the current housing crisis, and where solutions may be found. Hashi Mohamed had previously spoken to us on the subject of “People Like Us”, his first published book. It was therefore no surprise…

  • Gardening Club Sees a Conversion

    Gardening Club Sees a Conversion

    Members of the Gardening Club decided to move their meeting from the last week of July to the third week in order to visit the garden of two of their members. Kathy and Greg (pictured in the doorway) hosted the group to tea on 19 July 2023, and explained how they had converted their garden…

  • Painting the Unruly House & Taverns

    Painting the Unruly House & Taverns

    This week’s examination of the Golden Age of Dutch Art, with Jennifer, had us all intrigued as to what could be shown and what could not. Entitled “The Unruly House and the Tavern”, we saw the works of Jan Steen (1626-1679), concentrating on behaviour in homes, in taverns and the behaviour of doctors in 17th…

  • Our Visit to the Apothercaries’ Hall

    Our Visit to the Apothercaries’ Hall

    On Tuesday 7 February 2023, we made a visit to the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries’ Hall in Black Friars Lane, in the City of London. The building we see today dates in part from the reconstruction following the Great Fire of London, but in earlier times was the location for the guest house of the…