Charles Dickens phones our Writers

Our Creative Writing Group met on Wednesday 07 February 2024 to share their work on three different briefs. The first brief was ‘Conflict’, the second was one side of a phone call (making the other side’s contribution implied but clear), and the third brief was to describe a room or place really clearly.

On Conflict, we had a poem on some of the synonyms, a story of a divide growing in a family, a school gap year that developed into a marriage that ended in a war, a brilliant student who could not settle to studying and tried politics where there was both internal and external conflict, and finished with conflict found in sports and games.

Moving on to the phone calls, we had one from Charles Dickens who wanted to know what had changed since his time, and another from a ‘Microsoft’ Engineer complete with various sound effects!

We heard further instalments of the travels around Europe, and we learned about the Heroic Herrings of Ring – a fictitious town in rural England.

The group is very positive and supportive, and that inspires us to write more for the next session on Wednesday 21 February 2024.

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